Thursday, August 23, 2007

News out of Kona

I'm just not surprised anymore when it comes to UH.

Any time there's news out of the Big Island, my ears perk up and sometimes, I have to hold my breath.

The news about Gabe Tuata isn't life or death. It's just the usual: UH has waffled on another Neighbor Island recruit and Gabe just said, "No." The same program that thought Jordan Dizon (Waimea) wasn't a Division I college football player and failed to stay in touch with Kamehameha's Caleb Spencer — who went on to an All-WAC career at Nevada — changed its tune with Gabe.

According to Brendan Shriane's story in West Hawaii Today, Gabe felt deceived when the staff decided not only to grayshirt him this year, but add a potential redshirt year for 2008-09. Instead of waiting around, he went to Pasadena Community College. If D-I qualification isn't an issue — he told me early this year that he's an NCAA qualifier — he could play one season and go straight to a four-year school.

When I've talked with Gabe and his dad, Laau, they've been forthright and clear. I'm certain that they expect the same in return from anyone who wants to have a hand in Gabe's future. UH has its reasons for its decisions, and Gabe opted out. I hope there aren't any hard feelings, but realistically, players are always hurt by the process when it ends up this way.

The other news out of Kona is that Brian Adams, a.k.a. Kona Crush, died mysteriously at his home. He was only 44. I wasn't a big wrestling fan, but when he came back to the Big Island with buddy Bonecrusher in tow, everyone heard about it. They put together an exhibition basketball charity game that me and some other media like Bobby Command participated in. Bonecrusher, who played college hoops, had five or six dunks on us.

Brian's passing is another big question mark for wrestling to answer. He grew up on Alii Drive, a road I drove on every day for many years in the 1990s when I worked in Kona. Wrestling is a giant conglomerate and with a listing on the New York Stock Exchange, profit is king, perhaps to the detriment of its employees. I hope there are answers here real soon.

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