Thursday, August 23, 2007

A time of learning, a time of character

No, it's not the title of a speech by some Presidential candidate. But it wouldn't be bad, would it?

My brain is sore and spinning. There's a lot of information to absorb every time my phone rings, or when I make the call and interrupt some poor coach's normal routine. I hate to bug them, whether it's at work, practice or home. Especially at home. That's quiet time. Some rare quiet time each day for these hardworking people.

The coaches and their players have been on the field for spring football. Summer camp. Oh yeah, summer camp, which is nothing like it used to be. No more two-a-day workouts. No more bonding with everyone on the squad. It's just not the same when preparation involves one afternoon practice a day.

There are coaches who concede that having normalcy is good. Trying to get vacation time from the boss just to coach at summer camp is never easy for most folks. But there is a difference these days now that there's no camp. How do you build trust without spending the time together?

It's no different from any family or organization. You can't fake the growth and unity. Nobody can. You're either there and together for hours or you're not. That's why I think it's easier to get into problems than before, and tougher for coaches to build team chemistry.

It's a trust issue, always has been and always will be. That will change for the better with more games under the belt. Until then, this is a true test of coaching character, and an absolutely essential test for student-athlete character. It's not about who's wrong. It's about doing what's right, applying the right correction and discipline, and moving forward.


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